
Cracker-ass Crackers

I received this recently from my work wife. It's funny stuff. Here is the origination of the list.

(wow. three posts in one day. Perhaps it's because my work wife isn't at work today. What's a work wife? It's someone who nags you at work, just like your wife. It is actually a term of endearment. I like my work wife. She's cool.)

* #115 Promising to Learn a New Language
* #114 America
* #113 Halloween
* #112 Hummus
* #111 Pea Coats
* #110 Frisbee Sports
* #109 The Onion
* #108 Appearing to Enjoy Classical Music
* #107 Self Aware Hip Hop References
* #106 Facebook
* #105 Unpaid Internships
* #104 Girls with Bangs
* #103 Sweaters
* #102 Children’s Games as Adults
* #101 Being Offended
* #100 Bumper Stickers
* #99 Grammar
* #98 The Ivy League
* #97 Scarves
* #96 New Balance Shoes
* #95 Rugby
* #94 Free Healthcare
* #93 Music Piracy
* #92 Book Deals
* #91 San Francisco
* #90 Dinner Parties
* #89 St. Patrick’s Day
* #88 Having Gay Friends
* #87 Outdoor Performance Clothes
* #86 Shorts
* #85 The Wire
* #84 T-Shirts
* #83 Bad Memories of High School
* #82 Hating Corporations
* #81 Graduate School
* #80 The Idea of Soccer
* #79 Modern Furniture
* #78 Multilingual Children
* #77 Musical Comedy
* #76 Bottles of Water
* #75 Threatening to Move to Canada
* #74 Oscar Parties
* #73 Gentrification
* #72 Study Abroad
* #71 Being the only white person around
* #70 Difficult Breakups
* #69 Mos Def
* #68 Michel Gondry
* #67 Standing Still at Concerts
* #66 Divorce
* #65 Co-Ed Sports
* #64 Recycling
* #63 Expensive Sandwiches
* #62 Knowing What’s Best for Poor People
* #61 Bicycles
* #60 Toyota Prius
* #59 Natural Medicine
* #58 Japan
* #57 Juno
* #56 Lawyers
* #55 Apologies
* #54 Kitchen Gadgets
* #53 Dogs
* #52 Sarah Silverman
* #51 Living by the Water
* #50 Irony
* #49 Vintage
* #48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops
* #47 Arts Degrees
* #46 The Sunday New York Times
* #45 Asian Fusion Food
* #44 Public Radio
* #43 Plays
* #42 Sushi
* #41 Indie Music
* #40 Apple Products
* #39 Netflix
* #38 Arrested Development
* #37 Renovations
* #36 Breakfast Places
* #35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report
* #34 Architecture
* #33 Marijuana
* #32 Vegan/Vegetarianism
* #31 Snowboarding
* #30 Wrigley Field
* #29 80s Night
* #28 Not having a TV
* #27 Marathons
* #26 Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!)
* #25 David Sedaris
* #24 Wine
* #23 Microbreweries
* #22 Having Two Last Names
* #21 Writers Workshops
* #20 Being an expert on YOUR culture
* #19 Traveling
* #18 Awareness
* #17 Hating their Parents
* #16 Gifted Children
* #15 Yoga
* #14 Having Black Friends
* #13 Tea
* #12 Non-Profit Organizations
* #11 Asian Girls
* #10 Wes Anderson Movies
* #9 Making you feel bad about not going outside
* #8 Barack Obama
* #7 Diversity
* #6 Organic Food
* #5 Farmer’s Markets
* #4 Assists
* #3 Film Festivals
* #2 Religions their parents don’t belong to
* #1 Coffee

New Links

I've added a couple new links recently.
First, Doc Talk is authored by Dr. Ben Wedro, a board certified emergency physician who practices in Wisconsin. His blog is very topical and often revolves around the world of athletics. It's very informative and good reading.
Second, if you live in Reno or have any interest in The Biggest Little City, you should check out Mr. Jerz. He is the preeminent Reno blogger.

The Holiday Spirit

This is kind of ridiculous on a lot of different levels.


The Prince of L.A.

For those who missed it on "60 Minutes," this is a great look at USC football coach Pete Carroll. Another great testament to the power of athletics.

Watch CBS Videos Online



Breakfast has always been my favorite meal. I eat breakfast for breakfast. I like breakfast for lunch. Had breakfast for dinner just the other night. Breakfast is good. It is the most important meal of the deal, especially when you eat it multiple times a day.
There is plenty of quality breakfast grub in Reno. Peg's has received national attention, having been called The Best Breakfast in America. Reno also got another treat recently when The Squeeze In, a longtime Truckee favorite, opened a location in northwest Reno. The casinos do a fairly decent job, starting with the 99-cent Ham-n-Eggs at the Cal-Neva to an old college haunt, the Purple Parrot in the Atlantis, to the new buffet at the Eldorado.
But there are plenty of lesser-known greasy spoons worth mentioning and this week's Tuesday Lunch went to one of them -- Jack's, an old-time favorite on Victorian Ave. in Sparks. There are a couple things you need to know about Jack's. First, it's old and the decor is straight out of the 1970s. Second, it's gone through some ownership changes in recent years and even closed for a stretch. Third, the service isn't stellar -- my order was messed up this week -- but the food gets there quick and its hot and tasty.
Five of us went there this week, with three suckers ordering lunch and the Angry Pirate and I getting breakfast. None of us were disappointed at all, though I ordered the chorizo omelet and received the chili-cheese omelet. Momentarily annoyed, I dug in and was pleased with mix-up. The point is that you can't go wrong with Jack's. The weekend wait is noticeable, but nothing like that at Peg's. And on a weekday, you can get in and out in a half-hour.
Side note -- At one point recently, there was as an ownership/management relationship between Jack's and the Hometown Cafe out in Lemmon Valley. That's not the case anymore, according to our waitress at Jack's. Regardless, both eateries are solid choices and if you go to the Hometown Cafe, I highly reccommend the Two Eggs and the Whole Hog with Biscuits and Gravy on the side. It is a pure gut bomb, but one of the heartiest breakfasts I've ever had. They also do Joe's Special very well there, better than Peg's even. But not better than the redninja. Never had better Joe's Special than when the redninja used to make it in college.

Without putting too much thought into it, here are my quick rankings of best breakfasts in Reno:
1. Peg's. This is a no-brainer.
2. The Squeeze In. Pricey but tasty.
3. Hometown Cafe. Best-kept secret because of Lemmon Valley location.
4. Jack's. Plenty of options.
5. Archie's. Nothing special, but I've never had a bad breakfast here.

Two others of note:
The Stonehouse Cafe. This uppity joint on Plumb gets rave reviews from friends. I've been there a couple times and just haven't been overly impressed, both with quality of food and the service. Will give it another shot.
PJ and Co. I've heard good things about this place on Wells but have never been. Keep meaning to get down there sometime. Hopefully soon...




This has to be one of the saddest things I've read about lately...

Woman swept to sea during proposal on Oregon coast

NESKOWIN, Ore. – A romantic marriage proposal on the Oregon coast turned deadly for the bride-to-be when a wave swept her out to sea. Scott Napper had taken 22-year-old Leafil Alforque to Proposal Rock near Neskowin Beach to pop the question at a place that got its name from couples ready to marry. Napper and Alforque had been dating since they met on the Internet in 2005.

But Alforque had arrived in Oregon on a visa from the Philippines just three days before the fateful trip to the coast.

Napper said the tide had receded around Proposal Rock on Saturday when the couple began to walk to it. He planned to propose and give her the ring he carried in his pocket.

About 10 feet from the rock, a wave about 3 feet high suddenly came toward them.

"I turned into it to keep from getting pulled under it," Napper said.

By the time he turned to find Alforque, only 4-foot-11 and 93 pounds, she had been caught by the receding waters.

"She was about 30 feet away, getting swept away," Napper said.

The 45-year-old Silverton man tore off his jacket to get rid of any extra weight, and when he looked up again she was gone.

"That's the last I saw of her," he said in an interview Wednesday, breaking into tears.

Emergency personnel called by a someone on the beach arrived within minutes. His own phone no longer worked after being exposed to the water.

Along with rescuers, he searched for any sign of Alforque.

"I yelled for her," he said. "I was praying to God."

At one point, he saw someone wearing red — the color of her jacket — on the shore signaling for him. But he quickly realized it was a rescuer.

Thick fog and dangerous water conditions hampered the rescue efforts before the search was suspended on Monday.

Full story can be found here.